TD4 Heavy Industries since 1997

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Date: 13.04.24

Spring Update! First post of the new year greetings to you all. I'm hoping to do a bit of a spring clean here soon, but you know how it goes. Lots of flooding going on around our area but I recently fitted a snorkel to the Jimny so it not only looks even more bad ass it also makes awesome induction sounds under load. It is the time of year for a good spring clean so I've been busy sorting out the family rooms and with better weather I need to get on with jobs outside. I can be found in the usual places.

RUST server online but I'm not happy with the hosts, the damn thing keeps on shitting its pants so I might get around to moving that to another solution. Apologies about that. The next wipe is due at the end of the month unless forced by Facepunch.

Find us online sometimes near the Admin area in Z12

The WIPE SCHEDULE on the RUST server is MONTHLY unless forced by a higher power.


Date: 19.11.23

Need to do some work in the Projects section of the website, I recently got a load of vintage RF gear to play with. It requires some serious voltatges so not to be taken lightly. I need to get some antenna feeds hooked up... Still working on hooking up the local LORA WAN gateway. The adverts in between YouTube videos still have not forced me to feel festive yet but they may be starting to wear me down.

RUST server online, the next wipe is due at the end of the month unless forced by Facepunch.

Find us online sometimes near the Admin area in Z12

The WIPE SCHEDULE on the RUST server is MONTHLY unless forced by a higher power.


Date: 23.09.23

Autumn Update:

Our mini server has proven loyal with several months of uptime under it's belt but it's probably about time to check the fan exhaust for buildup of dust. I have been busy irl with a new found appreciation for miniture trail motorbikes, having been given one by my long suffering friend Elliott. I have been picking away at all of the nooks and crannies which my OCD finds extremely satisfying. Cheers buddy best motorbike ever!

For those of you who play the Facepunch game RUST you can now find us being foundation wiped by searching for TD4DOTNET from within the RUST community section.

The server is hosted elsewhere online as this little box would explode into a shower of cogs if I tried. I have installed several 'Oxide' mods for the players to enjoy such as some NPC characters to interact with however one of the 'dependencies' (the kits plugin) seems to struggle to apply a kit to the NPC I'm working on so apologies for any nakeds standing around the place while I work out what I'm doing wrong here. I don't know I'm following the syntax?! Find us online sometimes at the Admin area in G21

The WIPE SCHEDULE on the RUST server is MONTHLY unless forced by a higher power.


Date: 04.03.2023

It's service time for my vehicles so I am busy with doing some maintenance. Someone liked a post from my old Blog on Wordpress so I'm considering moving the files over here and putting some sort of re-direct on the old one. A while ago I was playing GTA online and some asshole kid modded the session and mucked up my account so I ended up with billions of dollars. Sounds good until you no longer have any reason to work on your character. Thankfully when I logged on last night some GTA admin has clearly spotted my unusual amount of wealth and has removed -$9234231523 from my character's bank account leaving me with zero bucks. I've gone from super wealth to ultimate pauper but I'm delighted to be poor.


Date: 08.02.2023

Water pressure failed at the office so we all came home early.

Working on some server side gubbins, hope my old mates can help me out with some wizardry!


Date: 01.02.2023

Greetings all! Many worker strikes affect the country today. I (and many others) blame the Tories for this mess.

Busy with work so no further forward with anything. I maybe fixed the bath, or made it slightly better.


Date: 27.01.2023

Late afternoon on Friday. Looking forward to relaxing for the weekend.

Building a wiring loom for my Jimny so I can install some spotlights I got from Santa.


Date: 25.01.2023

Family Duties.

Wife on trip to Iceland so have to manage our Kids, too busy to post an update.


Date: 20.01.2023


Some tidying, still no problems updating the dns records :-)


Date: 19.01.2023

It Verks!

I think ddclient is working after all! I will keep an eye on it for now. Looking forward to going to the local airfield at the weekend, free breakfast they said. Brother Damian visited the workshop and we talked long into the night, it was good to talk. It always is.


Date: 14.01.2023

It happened again...

I'm blaming our ISP for this debacle shit router keeps on changing ips so with help from Elliottt I am hoping that ddclient will do the trick at keeping things up to date and not rely on my unreliable self. Very windy today, the MET OFFICE have predicted snow in some areas and a general drop in temperature. The network Weather Station has been badly broken since it fell over in a storm and now needs a total rebuild.


Date: 13.01.2023

I broke the website.

Like an absolute donkey I forgot I needed to update the ip gubbins and it all went to hell. Obviously I fixed it (for now) however I need to get that auto update process that Elliottt was telling me about. The swine won't answer his phone right now so I'm on my own and things could get nasty. CHMOD!!!


Date: 01.01.2023

Happy New Year!

A new year and shiny new domain point your browser at to find the website!

I hope Santa was good to you all, I got a lovely vintage Sony Clie PEG TJ27 PDA which I'll do some sort of post about as I've been super lucky to find the example that I got. I'm happy that our little Ubuntu Server isn't going to implode with any sort of excessive self load now and fill itself with pointless snapshots.

I will now think about spinning up some servers for old games we like to play we'll see what we can run but tbh we need the server on fiber.


Date: 16.12.2022

Seasons Greetings!

Very cold, snow, ice and still many things I need to get around to with the site.

Stability seems good the server has been up for a while now without any problems to speak of, inspires me to run some sort of game server for fun... Something anyway.


Date: 08.12.2022

Gave up on running full Ubuntu and installed Ubuntu Server which is what this is now running on.

Many things still broken, some tidying done on the website.

Plenty of free space! Yay!


Date: 05.12.2022

More cleaning of Ubuntu to try and free up more space, system ran out again on the ssd maybe something to do with this snap daemon wizardry that we just don't need. Hopefully I've turned that off.

Many things still broken ...Some tidying done on the website.

Only a couple of gb of free space might prompt drastic action to upgrade the main storage on the mini server by several orders of magnitude.


Date: 04.12.2022

Configured routing.

Many things still broken.

Maybe stopped ubuntu from running itself out of disk space.


Date: 27.07.2022

Forget the Mac the new choice of hardware is more efficient. hacked chromebox.

Need to sort out our domain and hosting, I'm basically talking to myself. Chat is broken, rust server is no more, webcam feed is down in a big way. Nothing too reliable at the moment.


Date: 15.02.2021

New server hardware configured - running on Macintosh Apache & PHP are no longer a dream for http services on the network. Peripherals (webcam etc) are currently not connected. Message the admin for service requests!


Date: 07.03.2020

Rust Server wiped and restarted, seems to need a reset every two days however this could be down to connection teething problems. Find the admin area in DXX! I replaced some static images with new animated versions on this page and in the '\Etc\Other' section.


Date: 01.03.2020

Rust Server has been running for a whole 42h43m so it seems stable enough for now. Various updates to website in resources and projects. Tested site on mobile devices... works better the larger your screen is, I don't plan on 'fixing' this.


Date: 29.02.2020

Rust Server seems to be running well! Finally killed the attack heli! Updating to SSD turned out to be a real pain in the silicone but it's just about done. I only managed to find a single trip of compatible RAM so now the server has 5 whole megaquads of memory, which if you think about it, is ample.


Date: 23.02.2020

Rust Server is probably running, details in Login area. Updates to website. Hardware upgrades planned for the server, hdd to ssd, ram improvements.


Date: 22.02.2020

Rust Server is probably running, details in Login area. The connection is upgrading and we're seeing occasional drops in connectivity.